Mobile Art Classes
Inpired by the Classics, artists currently making history and nature
“Imitation is a crutial aspect of skill development, because it allows us to learn new things quickly and efficiently by watching those around us.”
Art is more fun when it is shared with others. Get a group together to learn.
Art is more fun when it is shared with others. Get a group together to learn.
Color Theory
An introductory course on color, how it is made, used and the feelings it arouses. We will look at different artists and how they used color in their work and how they changed the viewers perspective on what colors should be used. The class will include painting, paper cut-outs, gluing, crayon melting, drawing and coloring.
This class is currently available by request and is taught at a location determined by the students.
Models and a Moment in Mediums
A six week course focused on 2D adn 3D arts including: Painting, Drawing, Ceramics, Sculpture, Printmaking and Photography. Each class will focus on one medium and explore famous artists in its field and be coupled with time for artistic expression in that medium.
This class is currently available by request and is taught at a location determined by the students.
Tempting to the Touch
This class spans 6 weeks and utilizes an array of material (acrylic paint and pallet knives, encaustic, bees wax, wood, heat guns, fabric, starch and glue) to explore their ability to create texture on a 2D surface.
This class is currently available by request and is taught at a location determined by the students.